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The Student Government Association is the organization that changed my life. I have always been proud of my leadership capabilities yet never had the opportunity to create real and lasting institutional change before this position. 


The individuals who join SGA are all passionate leaders. Their dedication to the organization and to our prestigious university inspires me each and every day. I'm proud to be able to serve with the members of SGA.


As the CoLA Senator I worked on multiple projects but was most notable for my work within the Student Affairs Committee. I worked on the Healthy Vending Initiative, the Alternative Spring Break Program, the Removal of Divisions (Bacon), Seating on the Quad, and much more. Individuals on the committee such as Drew Ratzel, Koty Johnson, Karolin Gintig, and Brenna Doll served the University in an incredible capacity. They consistently inspired me to achieve greatness.


If you're interested in finding out more about the Student Government Association or are even interested in joining, visit

Kayla Muncie | Brooke Evans | Lukas Wenrick | Jordan Large
Wright State Student Government
Lukas Wenrick | Koty Johnson
Koty Johnson | Lukas Wenrick
Lukas Wenrick | Wright State Student Government Association
Lukas Wenrick | Wright State Student Government Association | Wright State Student Government | SGA_WSU
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